"The Morning of June, 28, 1948 , and 'The Lottery Why do you think people reacted so violently to the publication of "The Lottery"? (1 point) exacerbated the climate of paranoia in the War War era. It pointed the finger at the dangers of a small-town mentality . It suggested that even the most normal people are capable of evil. It accused American society of being cold-hearted and capable of murder .

These are all valid reasons for why people may have reacted violently to the publication of "The Lottery." The story's portrayal of ordinary people participating in a violent and senseless act of cruelty likely challenged readers' beliefs about human nature and society. It may have hit too close to home for some, forcing them to confront uncomfortable truths about themselves and their communities. Additionally, in the context of post-World War II America, the story may have served as a stark reminder of the potential for violence and cruelty lurking beneath the surface of seemingly peaceful societies.