external influences in schools from the film identity

One external influence in schools that can be seen in the film "Identity" is the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. In the film, the characters are all different individuals with their own unique backgrounds and personalities, but they are forced to adopt new identities in order to fit in with the group. This pressure to conform can be reflected in real-life schools, where students may feel the need to conform to certain standards set by their peers or authority figures.

Another external influence in schools that is depicted in the film is the influence of authority figures, such as teachers and administrators. In "Identity," the characters are manipulated and controlled by a mysterious figure who acts as the ultimate authority in their situation. This can be seen as a metaphor for the power that authority figures have in schools, where students are often expected to comply with rules and regulations set by those in charge.

Overall, "Identity" highlights how external influences, such as societal norms and authority figures, can impact individuals in school settings and shape their behaviors and identities. It serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself and resisting pressures to conform to external expectations.