Use Scan f function in c , write a program in c to find out whether water temperature is in one of the three states below

1.if temperature is between 90 and 110 water is boiling.
2.between 20 and 40 water is in a normal State.
3.between 10 and -10 water is freezing


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
float temperature;

printf("Enter the water temperature: ");
scanf("%f", &temperature);

if(temperature >= 90 && temperature <= 110) {
printf("The water is boiling.\n");
else if(temperature >= 20 && temperature <= 40) {
printf("The water is in a normal state.\n");
else if(temperature >= -10 && temperature <= 10) {
printf("The water is freezing.\n");
else {
printf("The water is in an unknown state.\n");

return 0;