The area of the side of the can of tomatoes __ is times the area of the top or the bottom of the can of tomatoes.

Radius = 2
Height = 5
Pi = 3.14

The area of the side of the can of tomatoes is calculated using the formula for the lateral surface area of a cylinder, which is 2*pi*radius*height.

Radius = 2
Height = 5
Pi = 3.14

The area of the side of the can of tomatoes = 2 * 3.14 * 2 * 5
= 62.8 square units

The area of the top or bottom of the can of tomatoes can be calculated using the formula for the area of a circle, which is pi*radius^2.

The area of the top or bottom of the can of tomatoes = 3.14 * 2^2
= 3.14 * 4
= 12.56 square units

Therefore, the area of the side of the can of tomatoes is 62.8 square units, which is 5 times the area of the top or bottom of the can of tomatoes (12.56 square units).