The figure below is a net for a right rectangular prism.On the tactile printout of the following graphs, a is 1111 meters, b is 1313 meters, and c is 77 meters.

11 m
13 m
11 m
7 m
11 m
11 m

To find the surface area of the prism, we calculate the sum of the areas of all six faces.

Face 1: 11m x 13m = 143 sq meters
Face 2: 11m x 7m = 77 sq meters
Face 3: 11m x 7m = 77 sq meters
Face 4: 11m x 13m = 143 sq meters
Face 5: 13m x 7m = 91 sq meters
Face 6: 13m x 7m = 91 sq meters

Adding up all the areas:
143 + 77 + 77 + 143 + 91 + 91 = 622 sq meters

Therefore, the surface area of the prism is 622 square meters.