Describe the means by which Spain attempted to defeat and spread Catholicism at home and abroad. (4 points)

1. Inquisition: The Spanish Inquisition was established in the late 15th century to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in Spain and to eliminate heresy. It targeted Jewish and Muslim converts to Catholicism, as well as other individuals deemed to be religious dissenters.

2. Spanish Armada: In the late 16th century, Spain launched the Spanish Armada with the goal of invading England and overthrowing Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. The defeat of the Armada in 1588 by the English navy marked a significant setback for Spain's attempts to spread Catholicism abroad.

3. Conquest and colonization: Spain's colonization of the Americas in the 16th century involved the conversion of indigenous populations to Catholicism. Spanish missionaries worked to convert native populations and establish Catholic institutions in the New World.

4. Treaty of Tordesillas: The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 divided the New World between Spain and Portugal along a line of longitude, with Spain receiving the majority of the territory. This allowed Spain to establish a strong presence in the Americas and spread Catholicism through colonization.