The parts of Canada that have the greatest amounts of water (the Mackenzie River drainage basin, for example) are far from population centres. What, if anything, can be done about this disconnect between people and water?

There are several actions that can be taken to address the disconnect between people and water in areas with abundant water resources but limited population.

1. Increasing awareness: Education and awareness campaigns can help to highlight the importance of water resources and the need for sustainable management practices. This can help to foster a greater appreciation for water and encourage people to value and protect these resources.

2. Infrastructure development: Investing in infrastructure such as pipelines or water treatment plants can help to transport water to population centres where it is needed. This can help to ensure access to clean and safe water for communities, as well as support economic development and growth.

3. Water conservation: Implementing water conservation measures can help to reduce water wastage and ensure that water resources are used efficiently. This can include promoting water-saving technologies, implementing water reuse and recycling systems, and encouraging sustainable water practices.

4. Policy and governance: Developing and implementing effective water management policies and regulations can help to protect water resources and ensure equitable access for all. This can involve stakeholder engagement, community participation, and collaborative decision-making processes to address water challenges and conflicts.

5. Investment in research and innovation: Investing in research and innovation can help to develop new technologies and solutions for water management and conservation. This can help to improve water efficiency, reduce water pollution, and enhance water security in areas with abundant water resources but limited population.

Overall, addressing the disconnect between people and water in areas with abundant water resources requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, infrastructure development, conservation measures, policy and governance, and investment in research and innovation. By working together to protect and manage water resources effectively, we can ensure a sustainable and resilient water future for all.