2. Discuss how you can access internet deeply? What are the basics in order to be online and exchange data with someone?

Accessing the internet deeply involves using advanced search techniques and tools to find specific information or resources online. This can include using specialized search engines, databases, online archives, and other resources to gather in-depth information on a particular topic.

In order to be online and exchange data with someone, there are several basics that need to be in place:

1. Internet Connection: You need to have access to a stable internet connection, whether through Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or mobile data. Without an internet connection, you will not be able to access online resources or communicate with others online.

2. Device: You need a device that can connect to the internet, such as a computer, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-enabled device. This device should have the necessary hardware and software to access the internet and exchange data, such as a web browser, email client, or messaging app.

3. User Account: Many online services, platforms, and websites require you to create a user account in order to access their services and exchange data with others. This may involve registering with an email address, creating a username and password, and agreeing to terms and conditions.

4. Security Measures: It is important to take basic security measures to protect your online privacy and data, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and avoiding suspicious websites or links. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts and data.

By following these basics, you can access the internet deeply, exchange data with others, and make the most of the vast resources and information available online.