The graph shows the number of ice cream cones sold during specific temperatures in the month of June. Is there a cluster? Use 1 for Yes and 2 for No. Title: The title of the graph is “Number of Ice Cream Cones Sold vs. Temperature”. This indicates that the graph is showing the relationship between the number of ice cream cones sold and the temperature.

Axes: The x-axis represents temperature in Fahrenheit, ranging from 0 to 90. The y-axis represents the number of ice cream cones sold, ranging from 0 to 60.
Data Points: There are multiple data points plotted on the graph. These points represent the number of ice cream cones sold at various temperatures.
Trend: The data points show an increase in ice cream sales as temperatures rise, indicating a positive correlation. This means that as the temperature increases, so does the number of ice cream cones sold.
Grid Lines: The grid lines are prominent, making it easy to read specific values on both axes.

1. Yes