Have you had a conversation with a friend about new released phone that you both want and suddenly it appears everywhere on your social media algorithm? So, with all these forms of surveillance, how pervasive is technological control in our present society?

can you try to add the rule of three in there

The rule of three suggests that using three key points or examples can help make a stronger argument or point. Here's an example of how you could structure your response with the rule of three:

1. Surveillance technology has become deeply ingrained in our society, as evidenced by the phenomenon of targeted advertising. The fact that a simple conversation with a friend about a new phone can result in constant ads for that very phone appearing on our social media feeds is a clear demonstration of the level of tracking and monitoring that takes place.

2. Beyond just advertising, the pervasiveness of technological control can be seen in the rise of facial recognition technology, location tracking, and data mining by companies and governments. These tools are used to monitor and manipulate individuals in various ways, ranging from tracking movements to influencing purchasing decisions.

3. Ultimately, the extent of technological control in present society is concerning, as it raises questions about privacy, autonomy, and the power dynamics at play. As we continue to rely on technology for communication, entertainment, and everyday tasks, it's important to be aware of the ways in which our data and personal information are being used and potentially exploited.