Scene Shop Bench

1. What example bench did you take measurements from, #1 or #2? Tell me why you and your team chose this option.

2. What was the most challenging part of this project?

3. What was the easiest part of this project?

4. If you could go back and change anything about your bench what would it be?

5. What are you most proud about with this project as a whole?

6. Did anyone make it difficult to complete your work?

7. How did you ensure the bench was sturdy and safe for use in the scene shop?

8. Were there any unexpected obstacles or challenges that arose during the construction of the bench?

9. Did you and your team have to make any design compromises during the project?

10. How did you decide on the materials used for the bench? Were there any specific considerations that influenced your decision?

11. How long did it take to complete the construction of the bench from start to finish?

12. Have you received any feedback on the bench from others in the scene shop? If so, what was their reaction?

13. How do you plan to maintain and upkeep the bench to ensure its longevity in the scene shop?

14. What skills or knowledge did you and your team gain from completing this project that you can apply to future projects in the scene shop?

15. Would you consider building another bench in the future, or do you have any other projects in mind that you would like to tackle next?