Scatterbots quick check times of runners by it 24 32.7529 33.63 34 36.16 a group of students and runners gray five King Arthur constructive plot based on the data in the table

Based on the data provided in the table, the scatter plot shows the quick check times of runners. The x-axis represents the runners, while the y-axis represents their respective quick check times. The scatter plot shows a general trend of increasing quick check times as the runner numbers increase.

King Arthur and his group of students can use this data to analyze the performance of each individual runner and identify any patterns or trends based on their quick check times. They can also use this data to create a constructive plot that displays the distribution of quick check times among the runners and identify outliers or potential areas for improvement.

Overall, the scatter plot of quick check times provides valuable information that can help King Arthur and his group of students make informed decisions and adjustments to their training and performance strategies.