
Elyas is on holiday in Greece
he wants to buy o pair of glasses for 50 euros
the exchange rate is 1 euro = 0.865 pounds
elyas says, 'the sunglasses cost less than 35 pounds
using the suitable approximation. show that elyas is wrong

To show that Elyas is wrong, we can first convert the price of the sunglasses from euros to pounds using the exchange rate:

50 euros * 0.865 pounds = 43.25 pounds

Since 43.25 pounds is greater than 35 pounds, Elyas is incorrect in saying that the sunglasses cost less than 35 pounds.


I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. Let's convert the price of the sunglasses from euros to pounds using the exchange rate and suitable approximation:

50 euros * 0.865 pounds/euro ≈ 43.25 pounds

Even with the approximation, the cost of the sunglasses is still greater than 35 pounds. So, Elyas is indeed wrong in stating that the sunglasses cost less than 35 pounds.

all i know is that it starts with 50x0.9=45

Let's try to use Elyas's approximation to find the cost of the sunglasses in pounds:

50 euros * 0.9 pounds/euro = 45 pounds

Since 45 pounds is greater than Elyas's statement that the sunglasses cost less than 35 pounds, we can confirm that Elyas is wrong. The correct cost of the sunglasses in pounds, using the exchange rate, is approximately 43.25 pounds.