How does knowing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division help you solve two-step word problems? Give examples to explain your answer.

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Knowing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can help us solve two-step word problems by breaking down the problem into smaller parts and using different operations to find the solution.

For example, let's say we have a word problem that goes like this:

"Sarah has 5 dollars. She wants to buy 3 notebooks for 2 dollars each. How much money will she have left after buying the notebooks?"

First, we can use multiplication to find out how much the notebooks will cost in total. 3 notebooks x 2 dollars each = 6 dollars.

Then, we can use subtraction to find out how much money Sarah will have left. 5 dollars - 6 dollars = -1 dollar.

Since Sarah doesn't have negative money, we can conclude that she won't be able to buy the notebooks with the 5 dollars she has.

So, by using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, we were able to break down the problem and find out that Sarah doesn't have enough money to buy the notebooks.