which of the following terms describes the feeling associated with a word

word choice


what can cultural context help a reader determine

Cultural context can help a reader determine the meaning of certain words or phrases, understand the significance of certain events or symbols, interpret characters' motivations and actions, recognize cultural references or allusions, and appreciate the broader social, political, or historical themes of a text.

what can cultural context help a reader determine

why someone think,believes, or act a certain way
what occurred during a certain time period or event
how people of a place follow a certain tradition
how certain governments came into existence

Yes, cultural context can indeed help a reader determine all of the things you listed:

- It can help understand why someone thinks, believes, or acts a certain way by providing insight into the cultural values, beliefs, norms, and customs that influence individuals within that culture.

- It can shed light on what occurred during a certain time period or event by placing it within the broader cultural, social, and historical context of the time.

- It can explain how people of a place follow a certain tradition by providing information about the cultural practices, rituals, and customs that have been passed down through generations.

- It can also help understand how certain governments came into existence by examining the cultural, historical, and socio-political factors that led to the formation of those governments.

which type of writing avoids showing favor or preference

unbiased writing
an autobiography
journal entries
based writing

Unbiased writing

Jonah has an idea for a story that presents a detailed backstory about the main character. How should he present his work?(1 point)

a video of someone reading it
a video of someone reading it

an audio recording of someone reading it
an audio recording of someone reading it

a written version
a written version

a live performance

a written version

Cassandra has been asked to present a story that has a lot of dialogue and highlights the voices and costumes of characters.

Which presentation style should she use for her story?

(1 point)

audio recording
audio recording


dramatic play
dramatic play
