When streaming first came onto the scene, it seemingly came with a promise: the movies and TV that you love, without ads, for a much cheaper price than cable.

Less than 20 years down the line, it feels like that promise has been broken. Streaming is more expensive than ever, and prices just keep going up.
Password sharing has been cracked down on, forcing more of us to pay to stream. And in the backdrop of all that, advertising is back with a vengeance, thanks to the rise of the cheaper ad-supported subscription tiers.

As a consumer, this feels infuriating. But we’re not entirely at the whim of these companies.

So why is all this happening? And what can we do to not go broke while still enjoying our favorite shows?

construct an educated argument, counter argument or descriptive overview. Please be sure to describe your perspective on the content while also providing supporting evidence verifying your claims!
(1 paragraph min.)

Streaming services were initially seen as a way to cut the cord from expensive cable packages and enjoy ad-free entertainment at a lower cost. However, as the streaming landscape has become more competitive, prices have steadily increased. This is due to the rising costs of producing original content, as well as the licensing fees for popular shows and movies. Additionally, many streaming services are now offering ad-supported tiers as a way to attract more budget-conscious consumers, bringing back the annoyance of ads. While this may be frustrating for consumers, it is important to remember that we still have the power to choose which services we subscribe to and how we consume content. By being selective with our subscriptions and utilizing free trials or discounts, we can still enjoy our favorite shows without breaking the bank.