3. Which factors are believed to have an impact on the success of a systems development process.Short answers

Some factors believed to impact the success of a systems development process include:

1. Expertise and experience of the development team: A well-qualified and experienced team is more likely to successfully deliver a high-quality system.

2. Clear and well-defined requirements: Having a clear understanding of the project requirements from the start can help avoid misunderstandings and scope changes later in the development process.

3. Effective communication and collaboration: Good communication among team members, stakeholders, and users can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

4. Proper project management: Strong project management practices, such as setting realistic timelines, monitoring progress, and managing risks, can help keep the development process on track.

5. User involvement and feedback: Involving end-users in the development process and incorporating their feedback can help ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

6. Adequate resources: Sufficient time, budget, and tools are essential for the successful completion of a systems development project. Lack of resources can lead to delays and compromised quality.

7. Adaptability and flexibility: Systems development processes should be agile and able to adapt to changing requirements and circumstances throughout the project lifecycle.