Use examples of activities that UN do around the world

1. Peacekeeping missions - The United Nations deploys peacekeepers to conflict zones around the world to help maintain peace and stability.

2. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief - The UN provides emergency aid and support to countries affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and other crises.

3. Promoting human rights - The UN works to protect and promote human rights through various mechanisms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Human Rights Council.

4. Sustainable development goals - The UN has established a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.

5. Climate action - The UN organizes international conferences and initiatives to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.

6. Refugee and migrant support - The UN provides support to refugees and migrants, including resettlement programs, advocacy for their rights, and coordination of humanitarian aid.

7. Health initiatives - The World Health Organization, a UN agency, leads global efforts to combat diseases, pandemics, and promote public health around the world.

8. Gender equality - The UN works to promote gender equality and empower women through various programs and initiatives such as the HeForShe campaign and UN Women.

9. Education and literacy - The UN promotes education for all and works to improve access to quality education, especially in developing countries.

10. Cultural preservation - The UN cultural agency, UNESCO, works to preserve and protect cultural heritage sites and promote cultural diversity worldwide.