A satellite flies 79550 miles in 10.75 hours. How long would it take to fly 39664 miles?

To find out how long it would take to fly 39664 miles, we can use the ratio between distance and time from the information given.

79550 miles / 10.75 hours = 7395.35 miles per hour

Now, we can use this information to find out how long it would take to fly 39664 miles.

39664 miles / 7395.35 miles per hour ≈ 5.36 hours

Therefore, it would take approximately 5.36 hours to fly 39664 miles.

The length of a cell phone is 1, point, 81.8 inches and the width is 3, point, 83.8 inches. The company making the cell phone wants to make a new version whose length will be 1.98 inches. Assuming the side lengths in the new phone are proportional to the old phone, what will be the width of the new phone?

To find the width of the new phone, we can set up a proportion using the lengths of the old and new phone:

Old phone length / Old phone width = New phone length / New phone width

1.81.8 / 3.83.8 = 1.98 / x

Cross multiply to solve for x:

(1.81.8) * x = (3.83.8) * 1.98

x ≈ (3.83.8 * 1.98) / 1.81.8

x ≈ 7.6 / 1.81.8

x ≈ 4.191

Therefore, the width of the new phone will be approximately 4.191 inches.

At the neighborhood grocery, 3.5 pounds of steak cost $36.75. Hannah spent $8.61 on steak. How many pounds of steak did she buy, to the nearest hundredth of a pound?

To find out how many pounds of steak Hannah bought, we need to set up a proportion based on the cost and weight of the steak.

Let x be the unknown weight of the steak that Hannah bought.

We know that 3.5 pounds of steak cost $36.75, and Hannah spent $8.61 on steak. This gives us the proportion:

3.5 pounds / $36.75 = x pounds / $8.61

Solving for x:

x = (3.5 pounds * $8.61) / $36.75
x = 0.81882353 pounds

Therefore, Hannah bought approximately 0.82 pounds of steak.

At the neighborhood grocery, 4.5 pounds of chicken breast cost $49.59. How much would it cost to buy 22 pounds of chicken breast?

To find out how much it would cost to buy 22 pounds of chicken breast, we can set up a proportion based on the cost and weight of the chicken breast.

Let x be the total cost to buy 22 pounds of chicken breast.

We know that 4.5 pounds of chicken breast cost $49.59. This gives us the proportion:

4.5 pounds / $49.59 = 22 pounds / x

Solving for x:

x = (4.5 pounds * $49.59) / 22 pounds
x = $10.11

Therefore, it would cost $10.11 to buy 22 pounds of chicken breast.

At the neighborhood grocery, 4, point, 54.5 pounds of chicken breast cost dollar sign, 49, point, 5, 9$49.59. How much would it cost to buy 2 pounds of chicken breast?

To find out how much it would cost to buy 2 pounds of chicken breast, we can set up a proportion based on the cost and weight of the chicken breast.

Let x be the total cost to buy 2 pounds of chicken breast.

We know that 4.54 pounds of chicken breast cost $49.59. This gives us the proportion:

4.54 pounds / $49.59 = 2 pounds / x

Solving for x:

x = (2 pounds * $49.59) / 4.54 pounds
x = $21.61

Therefore, it would cost $21.61 to buy 2 pounds of chicken breast.