Rewrite in 5th graders. Keep the words element

The first element from the description that illustrates the common patterns of a hero's journey is the call to adventure, where the seven demigods must leave their home camps and travel to ancient lands to battle enemies and face challenges. This is followed by the challenge and trials the demigods must overcome, represented by their battles with Gia and other foes. Additionally, the idea of the demigods returning home after their journey with newfound knowledge and uniting the Greek and Roman camps exemplifies the concept of the hero's return with the elixir, bringing positive change to their world. These elements demonstrate the classic structure of a hero's journey, including departure, initiation, and return.

The first element in the story that shows a hero's journey is when the seven demigods are called to go on an adventure. They have to leave their camps, travel to new lands, and fight enemies. Next, they have to face challenges and battles, like fighting Gia. After their journey, they come back home with new knowledge and bring the Greek and Roman camps together. This shows the hero's journey with the elixir, making the world a better place. These elements are part of the classic hero's journey structure, with departure, initiation, and return.