You are assigned to help Mrs Smith with meals and housekeeping. Mrs Smith has a large collection of teacups, figurines, and glass lamps. She wants you to dust each item separately every time you visit. This leaves no time for you to do other tasks you ate assigned.

It sounds like Mrs Smith's request for dusting each individual item may be consuming a significant amount of time during your visits. In order to effectively manage your time and ensure that you are able to fulfill all of your assigned tasks, it may be helpful to have a conversation with Mrs Smith about finding a more efficient way to maintain her collection.

One suggestion could be to rotate which items are dusted each visit, rather than dusting every single teacup, figurine, and lamp each time. This could help to spread out the task over multiple visits and allow you to have time to complete your other duties.

Another option could be to suggest a more thorough dusting of the entire collection on a less frequent basis, such as once a week or every other week, rather than every visit. This could help to ensure that the items remain clean while also freeing up time for you to address other tasks.

It's important to communicate openly with Mrs Smith about your time constraints and responsibilities so that you can work together to find a solution that meets her needs while also allowing you to effectively manage your workload.