Important things about later civilization of East Asia

1. The rise of powerful dynasties: The later civilization of East Asia saw the rise of powerful dynasties such as the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties in China, and the Joseon dynasty in Korea. These dynasties ruled over vast territories and made significant contributions to art, culture, and technology.

2. Spread of Buddhism: Buddhism became a prominent religion in East Asia during this time, particularly in China, Korea, and Japan. Buddhist temples, statues, and scriptures were built and spread throughout the region, influencing art, architecture, and culture.

3. Trade and commerce: East Asia was an important center of international trade during this period, with the Silk Road connecting China to the Mediterranean. Trade routes brought goods, ideas, and technologies between East Asia and the rest of the world, leading to cultural exchange and economic prosperity.

4. Technological advancements: The later civilization of East Asia saw significant advancements in technology, including the invention of movable type printing, gunpowder, and the compass. These innovations revolutionized communication, warfare, and navigation, contributing to the growth and development of East Asian societies.

5. Urbanization and expansion: East Asian cities grew in size and complexity during this period, with the development of urban centers like Beijing, Kyoto, and Seoul. These cities became hubs of culture, commerce, and political power, shaping the social and economic landscape of East Asia.