Consider the crane lifting the load shown. If the maximum crane lifting the load on member A is 40 000 LBS as a bending limit,calculate the heaviest load that can be lifted

To calculate the heaviest load that can be lifted, we need to determine the maximum bending moment that member A can withstand before failure.

The bending moment (M) at point A can be calculated using the formula:

M = W * L

M = Bending moment at point A
W = Weight being lifted
L = Length of member A

Given that the maximum bending limit for member A is 40,000 lbs, we can set up the equation:

40,000 = W * L

Now, let's assume that the length of member A is 10 feet. Substituting this value into the equation:

40,000 = W * 10

W = 40,000 / 10
W = 4,000 lbs

Therefore, the heaviest load that can be lifted by the crane is 4,000 lbs.