Four graphs are shown below:

Four graphs named Graph A, Graph B ,Graph C and Graph D are shown with scale along x axis from 0 to 10 at increments of 1 and scale along y axis from 0 to 10 at increments of 1 and scale along y axis from 0 to 100 at increments of 10. All the graphs have 0,12 and 1,20 and 2,28 and 3,31 and 4,42 and 5,53 and 6,61 and 7,72 and 8,88 and 9,83 and 10,92. A straight line joins 0, 12 and 6,100 in Graph A. A straight line joins 0, 12 and 10, 50 in Graph B. A straight line joins 0, 10.5 and 10, 95 in Graph C. A straight line joins 0, 30 and 8,100 in Graph D.
Which graph best shows the line of best fit? (1 point)

Graph A

Graph B

Graph C

Graph D

Graph C