Read this excerpt from From Farm House to the White House.

"I shall lose no time in preparations to take command of the army," replied Washington. "I shall [return] to Cambridge at once."

"Without returning to Mount Vernon?"

"Yes; that would consume too much time. Much as I should enjoy a vist home, I must forego the pleasure, and hasten to my command."

"A sacrifice, truly, remarked Adams.

"And one that both my wife and mother will appreciate," added Washington, "although the disappointment will be so great to them. Our country first, for the sake of our homes."

In this excerpt, the author uses the dialogue between Adams and Washington to

A. show that facing a problem leads a person to depend on family.

B make their characters more realistic and the situation more believable.

C. reveal Washington's dedication to his country during a tense time.

D. help readers form a personal connection with both characters.

C. reveal Washington's dedication to his country during a tense time.