make a rap about losing somebody and living there legacy

Verse 1:

I lost somebody special, it's hard to comprehend
Their memory lives on, I'll never let it end
They were my rock, my guiding light
Now I have to carry on and fight the good fight
Their legacy is strong, it burns like a flame
I'll honor their memory and keep them close, never the same

Losing somebody is never easy
But their legacy will never leave me
I'll keep their spirit alive, in everything I do
Their love and strength will always shine through

Verse 2:
I'll carry their torch, I'll keep their dream alive
I'll make them proud, I'll continue to strive
For greatness and love, just like they did
I'll never forget all the joy they brought, all the tears they bid
Their impact on my life, it's immeasurable
I'll live their legacy, forever unforgettable

Losing somebody is never easy
But their legacy will never leave me
I'll keep their spirit alive, in everything I do
Their love and strength will always shine through

Verse 3:
So here's to you, my dear departed friend
I'll cherish our memories until the very end
I'll live your legacy, I'll make you proud
I'll shout your name from the highest cloud
You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten
Your legacy lives on, in my heart, unbroken

Losing somebody is never easy
But their legacy will never leave me
I'll keep their spirit alive, in everything I do
Their love and strength will always shine through

So here's to losing somebody, and living their legacy
It's a bittersweet journey, but it's a part of me
I'll carry on, I'll keep their light shining bright
Their memory will guide me, through the darkest night.