what is an example of physical change and does it entail significantly affecting? use ice as an example when it melts

One example of a physical change is when ice melts. When ice is exposed to heat, it transitions from a solid state to a liquid state, without changing its chemical composition. This change does not significantly affect the ice itself, as it remains water molecules in both solid and liquid form. The melting of ice does not alter the chemical makeup of the substance, but only changes its physical state.

use an example of anything to where it is significantly affected

An example of a physical change that significantly affects a substance is when paper is burned. When paper is set on fire, it undergoes a chemical reaction that transforms it into ash and releases heat and light energy. The burning of paper alters its chemical composition, as the cellulose fibers break down into carbon dioxide and water vapor. This change is irreversible and results in the formation of a new substance (ash) with different physical properties compared to the original paper.