Hypothesize about what the negative effects of having wolves in Yellowstone might be. Provide 2 examples.

If wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park, there could be negative effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

One potential negative effect could be that the wolves may disrupt the balance of other predator populations in the park. For example, if wolves were to significantly reduce the population of elk, this could in turn impact the populations of other predators that rely on those elk as a food source.

Another potential negative effect could be that the wolves may come into conflicts with livestock and ranchers in the surrounding areas. If wolves were to wander outside of the park boundaries and prey on livestock, this could lead to increased tensions between conservationists and ranchers, as well as potentially result in the killing of the wolves by ranchers in retaliation.

Hypothesize about what the negative effects of having wolves in Yellowstone might be. Provide 2 examples.

One potential negative effect of having wolves in Yellowstone could be a decrease in certain prey populations, such as deer or elk. If the wolf population grows to a point where they are over-hunting these prey species, it could lead to a decline in their numbers and disrupt the overall ecosystem balance.

Another possible negative effect could be conflicts with human activities and settlements near the park. Wolves may be attracted to livestock on private lands surrounding the park, leading to conflicts with ranchers and potentially resulting in the killing of wolves to protect livestock. This could create tensions between conservation efforts and local communities.