Analyzing literary text online practice seventh grade

Use a paragraph to answer the question question
Season three the sun is rising on the horizon the mouth watering aroma of freshly baked bread lingers in the air. Ava adjust one more pumper nickel loaf in the glass case on the counter is only 5 AM but she has been needing rolling and baking for hours she smiles softly at her hard work and walks around the spotless counter flips the sign on the door from closed open. What is the location of the scene?
A restaurant dining
A kitchen in the house
A bakery
An office building

The location of the scene is a bakery. The text mentions Ava adjusting freshly baked bread loaves in a glass case on the counter, indicating that she is in a bakery setting. Additionally, the mention of the mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked bread and Ava's early morning rolling and baking suggest that the scene is taking place in a bakery.