If your rent went up to 30% of your net monthly income ($3,372), how would you change your budget to pay the rent?

In this scenario, if my rent increased to 30% of my net monthly income which is $3,372, I would need to adjust my budget to accommodate the higher rent.

To do this, I would need to identify areas where I can cut back on expenses or increase my income. Some possible adjustments could include:

1. Cutting back on discretionary spending such as dining out, entertainment, and shopping.
2. Finding ways to reduce utility bills by being more conscious of energy consumption.
3. Negotiating with service providers for lower rates on phone, internet, and other services.
4. Finding ways to increase my income such as taking on a part-time job or freelance work.

By making these adjustments, I would be able to allocate more of my monthly income towards paying the higher rent. It may require some sacrifices and lifestyle changes, but it is important to prioritize paying rent to maintain housing security.