Briefly describe the purpose of the QA process as it relates to game development. This includes support and updates on the user end. If you were part of a studio that released a game and moved on to its next project, what are TWO ways your team could make sure they maintained their original game while also developing a new game?

The purpose of the QA (Quality Assurance) process in game development is to ensure that the game meets quality standards and is free of bugs, glitches, and other issues that could affect the player experience. This process involves testing the game extensively to identify and resolve any issues before release, as well as providing ongoing support and updates to address any issues that may arise post-release.

If a studio released a game and moved on to its next project, two ways the team could maintain their original game while also developing a new game include:

1. Designating a dedicated team or individual to handle ongoing maintenance and support for the original game, ensuring that updates, patches, and bug fixes are released in a timely manner to address any issues that players may encounter.

2. Implementing a community feedback system to gather input from players about their experiences with the game and their suggestions for improvements or updates. This feedback can be used to prioritize updates and ensure that the original game continues to meet player expectations while the studio works on its next project.