Give an example of how a third speaker from the opposition side suppose to talk.

I would like to thank the previous speaker for their arguments, but I must respectfully disagree with their points. As the third speaker for the opposition side, it is my duty to further solidify our team's stance on this topic.

Firstly, I would like to address the flaws in the government’s arguments. They have failed to address the real issues at hand and have instead focused on misleading information. It is important to consider all perspectives when discussing this topic, not just one-sided views.

Furthermore, the government's proposed solutions are not feasible and may have detrimental consequences. We must consider the long-term effects of implementing such measures and whether they truly address the root cause of the problem.

In conclusion, it is clear that the opposition's arguments are more logical and well-rounded. We have provided evidence to support our claims and have offered practical solutions to the issue at hand. I urge the audience to consider all sides of the argument before making a decision. Thank you.