3. Do you think young people drinking for the first time think about the possibility of becoming addicted? Explain your answer. /.

It ultimately depends on the individual and their level of awareness about addiction. Some young people may be well-informed about the potential risks and consequences of alcohol consumption, including the risk of developing addiction. They may actively think about this possibility when drinking for the first time and take steps to prevent it.

However, others may be less knowledgeable or mindful of the risks associated with alcohol use. In these cases, young people may not consider the possibility of becoming addicted when drinking for the first time. They may view alcohol consumption as a socially acceptable and enjoyable activity without fully realizing the addictive potential it carries.

Overall, education and awareness play a significant role in shaping young people's perceptions of addiction and their decision-making when it comes to alcohol consumption. It is essential for individuals to be informed about the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them to prevent the development of addiction.