This assignment deals with some influential people in the educational system particularly in shaping the curriculum as we know today.

It also focuses about their specific contributions that can still be observed by the present generation of learners. They are Ralph
Tyler (1950), John Dewey, Paulo Freire(2014), Hilda Taba(1932; 1962). Write an introduction.

Education is a dynamic field that constantly evolves to meet the changing needs of society. In the history of education, there have been influential figures who have played a significant role in shaping the curriculum and pedagogy that we experience today. These individuals have left a lasting impact on the educational system, influencing generations of learners and educators. Ralph Tyler, John Dewey, Paulo Freire, and Hilda Taba are among the notable figures whose contributions have paved the way for modern educational practices. In this assignment, we will explore the key ideas and principles introduced by these educators, and examine how their innovations continue to shape the educational landscape.