Use the net as an aid to compute the surface area of the triangular prism.

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To calculate the surface area of a triangular prism, you need to find the areas of all the individual surfaces and add them together.

1. Start by calculating the area of the two triangular bases. The formula for the area of a triangle is 1/2 * base * height. In this case, the base is the length of one side of the triangle and the height is the distance from that side to the opposite vertex.

2. Next, calculate the area of the three rectangular lateral faces. The formula for the area of a rectangle is length * width. In this case, the length of the rectangle is the same as the height of the triangular base, and the width is the length of the prism.

3. Add all the calculated areas together to find the total surface area of the triangular prism.

You can use a net to visualize the individual faces of the prism and make it easier to calculate their areas. By considering the dimensions of each face and applying the appropriate formulas, you can accurately determine the surface area of the triangular prism.