Which sentence from the excerpt best supports the correct answer to Question 7?

Answer choices for the above question

A. “The rise of humanism did not eclipse the Church, which was still a powerful force in daily life.”

B. “The Church and the Bible still influenced art and literature during the Renaissance, but now artists represented biblical figures as real human beings, not one-dimensional or idealized figures.”

C. “Reformers defied Catholic leaders by translating the Bible into vernacular languages and using the printing press to make biblical texts available to everyone, not just the clergy.”

D. “Church leaders harnessed the talents of Renaissance artists, such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci, to create artworks to adorn Rome’s churches.”

B. “The Church and the Bible still influenced art and literature during the Renaissance, but now artists represented biblical figures as real human beings, not one-dimensional or idealized figures.”