a cylinder is 100mm long and has a volume of 8 x 10 mm determine the diameter

The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula V = πr^2h, where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height or length of the cylinder.

Given that the volume of the cylinder is 8 x 10 mm^3 and the length of the cylinder is 100 mm, we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the radius:

8 x 10 mm^3 = πr^2 x 100 mm
r^2 = (8 x 10) / (100 x π)
r^2 = 0.02545089
r = √0.02545089
r ≈ 0.1597 mm

Now, to find the diameter of the cylinder, we multiply the radius by 2:

Diameter = 2 x r
Diameter = 2 x 0.1597 mm
Diameter ≈ 0.3194 mm

Therefore, the diameter of the cylinder is approximately 0.3194 mm.