A car takes 45 mins to travel from Lagos to Ibadan at an average speed of 120 km/hr.How long will it take a bus travelling at a speed of 70 km/hr to make the same trip

To calculate the time it will take for the bus to make the same trip from Lagos to Ibadan at a speed of 70 km/hr, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

The distance between Lagos and Ibadan is the same for both the car and the bus, so we can use the same distance for both calculations.

Distance = Average Speed x Time

For the car:
120 km/hr x 0.75 hr = 90 km

Now we can calculate the time it will take for the bus to travel the same distance at a speed of 70 km/hr:

Time = 90 km / 70 km/hr = 1.29 hours

Therefore, it will take the bus approximately 1 hour and 17 minutes to make the same trip from Lagos to Ibadan at a speed of 70 km/hr.