All species have a tolerance limit before they are no longer well suited to live in their environment. In three to five sentences, discuss the potential outcomes for a population when that limit is reached. There are at least four possibilities, and one point will be assigned per potential outcome mentioned...

When a population reaches its tolerance limit, the first potential outcome is a decrease in the population size as individuals are no longer able to survive or reproduce effectively. This could lead to a decline in genetic variability and ultimately reduce the population's ability to adapt to changing conditions. Another potential outcome is increased competition for limited resources, leading to food shortages, overcrowding, and ultimately increased stress and disease. Additionally, the population may experience a shift in its distribution and range as individuals search for more suitable habitats, leading to fragmentation and isolation. Lastly, if the tolerance limit is consistently exceeded, the population may face extinction.

use simpler terms

When a population reaches its limit, there may be fewer animals or plants left. They might have trouble finding enough food or space to live, leading to more fights and sickness. Some of them may have to move to new areas to survive. If the limit continues to be exceeded, the whole population could disappear.