How can Maya make a change to start reducing her plastic consumption

Maya can start reducing her plastic consumption by taking the following steps:

1. Carry a reusable water bottle: Maya can carry a reusable water bottle with her wherever she goes to avoid buying plastic water bottles.

2. Use reusable shopping bags: Maya can opt for reusable shopping bags instead of using single-use plastic bags when grocery shopping.

3. Say no to plastic straws: Maya can refuse plastic straws when she goes out to eat or drink. She can bring her own reusable straw if necessary.

4. Choose products with less plastic packaging: Maya can try to purchase products with minimal or recyclable packaging to reduce her plastic waste.

5. Use reusable containers: Maya can use reusable containers for storing food instead of using plastic bags or wrap.

6. Buy in bulk: Maya can buy items in bulk to reduce the amount of plastic packaging used.

7. Support eco-friendly brands: Maya can support brands that prioritize sustainability and offer plastic-free alternatives.

8. Get involved in local initiatives: Maya can get involved in local clean-up efforts or advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about the plastic pollution issue in her community.