- For ages 25 to 29, the percentage who voted for candidate A is 54%

- For ages 30 to 39, the percentage who voted for candidate A is 30%
- For ages 40 to 49, the percentage who voted for candidate A is 16%
- For ages 50 to 64, the percentage who voted for candidate A is 30%
- For ages 65 or older, the percentage who voted for candidate A is 22%

For ages 18 to 24, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 31%
- For ages 25 to 29, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 43%
- For ages 30 to 39, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 46%
- For ages 40 to 49, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 44%
- For ages 50 to 64, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 52%
- For ages 65 or older, the percentage who voted for candidate B is 52%

if a respondent is randomly selected from the database, what is the probability that they person is among those who voted for candidate A and age 40-49 years?

To find the probability that a randomly selected respondent voted for candidate A and is aged 40-49 years, we need to multiply the percentage of people who voted for candidate A in the age group 40-49 by the overall percentage of people in the population who are aged 40-49.

Percentage who voted for candidate A in the age group 40-49 = 16%
Percentage of population aged 40-49 = 10%

Probability = 16% * 10% = 1.6%

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected respondent voted for candidate A and is aged 40-49 years is 1.6%.