
Ugh, have to go to that smelly nursing home today. Can't wait to be done with this volunteering!


Did you see what Mariah was wearing today? Where did she get that shirt, the dumpster lol


Some of my photography is being featured in an art show of school this weekend. Come see!


Got a new lens for my cameral Can't wait to try it out this weekend.


Party at my house with my gifs tonight... but you're not invited! #somynotsorry

Given this new information, which candidate would you pick and why? in 5 sentences

I would pick April Applicant because she is involved in a photography art show at school showcasing her talent and passion for photography. She is also excited about trying out a new lens for her camera, showing her dedication to improving her skills and pursuing her interests. Stella Student, on the other hand, seems negative and uninterested in her volunteering duties, which may reflect poorly on her work ethic. Additionally, Stella Student's exclusionary attitude towards others in her social media post may indicate a lack of inclusivity and team spirit. Overall, April Applicant presents herself as dedicated, talented, and enthusiastic, making her a more appealing candidate.