digital citizenship

Given just this information, which candidate would you pick and why?

Stella Student

Grade Point Average:

4.0, all As in all classes


-Soccer Team Captain

-Volunteer Club President -Student Council Vice President


-Go to law school

-Run for the Senate

-Be a judge on the Supreme Court

Stella Student

Dear Admissions Committee.

Thank you for considering my application. As the President of my school's Volunteer Club, I have spent a great deal of time in the nursing home reor your compus. I spend time with the residents and play games with them, and it warms my heart to be with them. I have admired your campus every time I've been nearby!

I see myself as a natural leader, and I think your school will help me realize my goals of being on the Supreme Court.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Stelia Student

Based on the given information, I would choose Stella Student for the position. Stella has shown strong leadership skills through her roles as the Soccer Team Captain, Volunteer Club President, and Student Council Vice President. Her high GPA demonstrates her academic abilities, and her ambitious goals of attending law school, running for the Senate, and becoming a judge on the Supreme Court show her dedication and drive. Additionally, her volunteer work at the nursing home highlights her compassion and commitment to making a difference in her community. Overall, Stella appears to be a well-rounded and highly qualified candidate.