A tent is in the shape of a square pyramid. The side length of the tent's base is 7 feet, and the height of the tent is 6.6 feet.

What is the volume of the tent in cubic feet?

107.8 ft

101.64 ft

161.7 ft

184.8 ft

The formula for the volume of a square pyramid is V = (1/3) * base area * height.

First, calculate the base area of the tent:
Base area = side length of base^2
Base area = 7 ft * 7 ft = 49 ft^2

Now, calculate the volume of the tent:
V = (1/3) * 49 ft^2 * 6.6 ft
V = (1/3) * 323.4 ft^3
V = 107.8 ft^3

Therefore, the volume of the tent is 107.8 cubic feet.

The correct answer is: 107.8 ft^3