Every generation of Americans is charged with solving the problems of the current society and improving it for the next generation. The activities in this portfolio call upon citizens not only to be informed about current issues, but to be knowledgeable about the political process and how to use the process to achieve their goals of improving the country. In this portfolio, you will think about current social problems and how they might be solved. You will apply what you have previously learned about the political system to design potential solutions. Your proposed solutions will be based on evidence and reasoning. You will consider possible objections to your proposals and modify them if needed. Finally, you will share your proposals with a government official or other influential person who can help make change happen.

Some possible activities for this portfolio could include:

1. Research and analyze a current social issue, such as healthcare, immigration, or climate change. Develop a proposal for how the issue could be addressed, using evidence and reasoning to support your ideas.

2. Write a letter to a government official outlining your proposal and explaining why you believe it is a necessary and effective solution to the problem at hand.

3. Reach out to a local nonprofit organization or advocacy group working on the same issue and discuss your proposal with them. Collaborate on ways to promote your ideas and push for change.

4. Present your proposal to a class or community group and facilitate a discussion on the benefits and potential challenges of implementing your solution.

5. Reflect on the feedback you receive from others and consider how you might revise and improve your proposal based on their input.

6. Follow up with the government official or influential person you originally contacted and discuss next steps for advocating for your proposal and working towards positive change.

By engaging in these activities, you can not only become more informed and involved citizen, but you can also make a meaningful contribution to solving the problems facing our society today.