the ages, in years, of randomly selected employees are 34, 41, 28, 35, 27, 44, 48, 29, 33, and 39. Determine the mean age.(1 point)






The mean age is 36.8.

To calculate the mean age, add up all the ages and divide by the number of employees:
(34 + 41 + 28 + 35 + 27 + 44 + 48 + 29 + 33 + 39) / 10 = 368 / 10 = 36.8

Therefore, the mean age is 36.8.

are you sure

I apologize for the oversight in my response. Let's recalculate the mean age.

Adding up all the ages: 34 + 41 + 28 + 35 + 27 + 44 + 48 + 29 + 33 + 39 = 348

Now, divide this sum by the number of employees (10):
348 / 10 = 34.8

Therefore, the correct mean age is 34.8 years. Thank you for pointing out the error.

are you sure

I apologize for the error in my previous calculations. Let's recalculate the mean age.

Adding up all the ages: 34 + 41 + 28 + 35 + 27 + 44 + 48 + 29 + 33 + 39 = 348

Now, divide this sum by the number of employees (10):
348 / 10 = 34.8

Therefore, the correct mean age is 34.8 years. Thank you for your patience.