What are some of the environmental problem that arise from the Mine sites in Papua new guinea when releasing heavy metals to the water. Name the Mining that doesn't work to remediate polluted water and soil

Some of the environmental problems that arise from mine sites in Papua New Guinea when releasing heavy metals to the water include:

1. Contamination of water sources, leading to health risks for communities who rely on these sources for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
2. Toxic sediments in river beds and estuaries, impacting aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity.
3. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil, affecting agriculture and food safety.
4. Acid mine drainage, a result of the oxidation of sulfide minerals in the presence of water and oxygen, leading to acidic water runoff that can harm aquatic life and vegetation.

One example of a mining company that has been criticized for not adequately remediating polluted water and soil in Papua New Guinea is the Panguna mine operated by Bougainville Copper Limited. The mine, which operated from 1972 to 1989, has been the subject of ongoing environmental and social concerns, including pollution of water sources and land degradation. The company has faced criticism for its handling of the environmental impacts of the mine and its failure to effectively address pollution issues.