The direct consequence for copyright holder with unjustifiable protection will be the inability achieve exclusive rights, as it becomes easier for user to post unauthorised distribution online without permission. Limited power to enforce copyright right laws will not result in sufficient compensation to cover financial losses discouraging artists’ works. In the future, creativity and cultural perspectives as user absorbing will be hindered from copyright infringement.

Furthermore, the lack of proper protection may also lead to a decrease in incentive for artists to create new works. Without the ability to protect their creations and earn a fair income from them, artists may be discouraged from pursuing their passion and may choose to focus on other forms of work instead.

Overall, unjustifiable protection of copyright holders can have far-reaching consequences that impact not only the artists themselves, but also society as a whole by hindering the flow of creativity and knowledge. It is important for copyright laws to strike a balance between protecting the rights of creators and allowing for the free exchange of ideas and information.