What are the common patterns pf a heroes journey

Some common patterns of a hero's journey include:

1. The Call to Adventure: The hero is called to leave their ordinary world and embark on a quest or adventure.

2. Refusal of the Call: The hero may initially refuse the call, out of fear or reluctance to leave their comfort zone.

3. Meeting a Mentor: The hero encounters a wise mentor who provides guidance, advice, and training to help them on their journey.

4. Crossing the Threshold: The hero leaves their familiar world and enters into a new and unknown world, facing challenges and obstacles along the way.

5. Trials and Tribulations: The hero faces a series of tests and challenges that they must overcome in order to continue on their journey.

6. The Abyss: The hero reaches a point of crisis or confrontation, where they must face their innermost fears and doubts in order to achieve their goal.

7. Transformation: Through their trials and experiences, the hero undergoes a transformation or personal growth, becoming a stronger and wiser individual.

8. Atonement: The hero reconciles with their past, confronts their inner demons, and makes amends for any wrongdoings.

9. Return: The hero returns to their ordinary world, bringing back newfound wisdom, knowledge, and gifts to share with others.

10. The Ultimate Boon: The hero achieves their ultimate goal or objective, whether it be saving the world, finding true love, or attaining enlightenment.