Create your plan for your community service project Broward county

Discuss your ideas for your service project with your parent or another adult.
Decide how much time you can devote to your project.
Determine what costs, if any, for materials you might need for your project and how you will pay that cost.
Decide on a start date and a stop date for your project.
Write out your plan below.

Community Service Project Plan for Broward County:

1. Idea: My idea for a community service project in Broward County is to organize a beach clean-up event. I want to gather a group of volunteers to help clean up litter and debris from the beaches in our area to promote environmental conservation and keep our beaches clean and beautiful.

2. Time commitment: I will devote at least 20 hours to planning and organizing the beach clean-up event, as well as participating in the actual clean-up day. I will schedule regular meetings with volunteers to coordinate tasks and logistics.

3. Costs: I may need to purchase gloves, trash bags, and other supplies for the clean-up event. I plan to reach out to local businesses for donations or sponsorships to cover these costs. If necessary, I am willing to cover some of the costs myself.

4. Start date and stop date: I plan to start organizing the beach clean-up event in August and aim to have the clean-up day scheduled for September. I will set a stop date for the project once the clean-up event has been completed and all tasks are finalized.

5. Additional considerations: I will need to check with local authorities and obtain any necessary permits or permissions for holding the beach clean-up event. I will also promote the event through social media, flyers, and word of mouth to attract volunteers and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches clean.

Overall, I am excited to contribute to my community through this service project and make a positive impact on the environment in Broward County.